Save Money by Cleaning Ceilings, Not Replacing!

Ceilings R Us in Daytona Beach FL is the go-to choice for commercial ceiling cleaning services. We specialize in providing high-quality ceiling cleaning for restaurants, hotels, and businesses. Our experienced team of professionals have been servicing the area for over seven years, and have developed a reputation for delivering superior results that exceed expectations.

We use cutting-edge technology to ensure a thorough clean every time. Our special process begins with an examination of the ceiling to determine what type of dirt and buildup is present. We then apply an eco-friendly solution to break down dirt and grime before using low-voltage vacuums to suction away the debris. Finally, we finish by polishing the surface with special detergent and sealer to make it look as good as new.


Commercial Ceiling Cleaners in Daytona Beach for Businesses!

Cleaning commercial ceilings is a more cost-effective solution than replacing them. Not only does it take less time and effort to clean ceilings, but it also costs significantly less than purchasing new materials and having them installed. Additionally, cleaning your commercial ceilings can help make the interior of your business look more modern and attractive without breaking the bank.

Ceiling cleaning is also beneficial for air quality. Dust particles can accumulate in the ceiling over time, leading to poor air circulation and an uncomfortable environment for employees and customers alike. Regularly cleaning these particles away will ensure that your workplace has fresh air circulating throughout.

Our Advanced Cleaning Services

We Provide Environment-Friendly Ceiling Cleaning Services. Overhead & Acoustical Ceiling, and Duct Cleaning Specialists


We Provide
Ceiling Cleaning

  • All Types of Ceiling Cleaning or Sanitizing
  • Acoustical Ceiling Restoration
  • Acoustical Ceiling Coating or Painting
  • Wall Cleaning or Sanitizing
  • Fiberglass Reinforced Panels (FRP) Wall Cleaning and Restoration/Like New
  • Vinyl Grid Cap/Grid Covers/Snap On
  • Smoke Damage Cleaning
  • Vent Cleaning
  • Clean Light Lens Inside/Out
  • Provide Maintenance Contract

Call us for a free estimates

Call us or simply click the button on the right and fill in necessary information.

We Can Save You Money In Five Different Ways:


The investment in cleaning is a third of the cost of replacement.


Cleaning saves time. The tiles are cleaned in place without disturbing the occupants or damaging equipment.


Our cleaning process is much quicker than painting, and obviously a lot quicker than the time-consuming job of replacing and installing. The ceiling tiles should last the lifetime of the building if kept clean.


With a clean and bright clear ceiling, your areas need less light. With clean ceilings, you will increase your lighting efficiency by over 20 percent.


We can save money in manpower, reducing labor absentees. Our biodegradable solution cleans and disinfects the tiles as a whole to prevent both customers and employees from infectious diseases.